Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mental Status Examination Extra

Hey, here is just some extra stuff if you guys are interested in the psychiatric interview process. And you have time here is the link.

Psychiatric Review of Systems
a. Depressive:
S: Have you had periods of feeling sad, despondent or hopeless?
I: Have you noticed a change in your interest in things you normally enjoy?
G: Have you been feeling down on yourself? Guilty about anything?
E: Have you tended to feel more tired than usual? As if all your energy is drained?
C: Have you had trouble concentrating? Making decisions?
A: Have you had any changes in your appetite? Lost or gained weight?
P: Have you felt restless or agitated? Have you been feeling slowed down?
S: have you had trouble sleeping? (initial, middle, terminal)
S: Have you ever felt that life isn’t worth living? Thought about taking your own life?

b. Anxiety:
1. Have you ever experienced a sudden attack of panic or fear in which you felt
extremely uncomfortable? Did you feel as if you were going to die or go crazy?
2. Ever been afraid of going outside, so that you tended to stay home all the time?

c. OCD
1. Are you ever bothered by persistent ideas that you can’t get out of your head,
such as being dirty or contaminated?
2. Is there anything you have to do over and over, such as washing your hands or
checking the stove?

d. Mania:
DIGFAST (distractibility, insomnia, grandiosity, flight of ideas, activity,
speech, thoughtlessness)
1. Have you ever felt extremely good or high, clearly different from your NL self?
2. Have you felt your thoughts are racing through your mind?
3. Did you need less sleep than usual to feel rested?
4. Have you done anything that caused trouble for you or your family/friends?

e. Psychosis

• Persecutory: have you felt that people are against you? Trying to harm you in
any way?
• Grandiose: Do you have any special powers, talents or abilities?
• Thought broadcasting: Have you heard your own thoughts out loud, as if they
were a voice outside your head? Have you felt that your thoughts were
broadcast so that other people could hear them?

• Have you heard voices no one else could hear? When no one was around
and you couldn’t account for them? Seen things?


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